List of Sanrio Characters with pictures +more

Last updated June. 28 2018


Hello Kitty (1974)
Real Name: Kitty White
Birthday: November 1st
Blood: Type A
Star sign: Scorpio
Height: Around 5 apples
Weight: Around 3 apples
Birthplace: In the suburbs of London, England
Hobbies: Baking cookies and making pancakes; origami; foreign cultures; playing the piano; tennis; collecting little stars, ribbons, and other cute little things.
Favorite Food: Mama’s homemade Apple Pie (most favorite)
Favorite Color: Red

Hello Kitty was born in London, England where she lives with her parents and her twin sister, Mimi. Both Hello Kitty and Mimi are in the third grade. They have many friends at school and share many adventures. When school’s out, Hello Kitty travels the world making friends. Her generosity and kindness endear her to everyone she meets. Her hobbies include music, reading, and eating the sweets she and her sister bake, and best of all, making new friends. Hello Kitty is a cheerful and happy little girl with a heart of gold. Hello Kitty loves to bake and she can make really delicious cookies. She learned her baking talents from her mama, who makes scrumptious apple pies that are enjoyed by the whole family.

Hello Kitty’s Family

Mimmy White is Hello Kitty’s twin sister and best friend. The two of them grew up and studied together, sharing lots of life experiences and fun adventures with each other.

George White is Hello Kitty’s loveable papa. Even though he works very hard, he still finds time to spend with his family. He has a wonderful sense of humor.

Mary White is Hello Kitty’s loving mama. She always shows love and care for her family. Hello Kitty got her baking talents from Mary White, who is the best apple pie baker in their neighborhood.

Anthony is Hello Kitty’s cool grandpa. He has a lot of life experience and shares it very well during story-telling time. He’s also very artistic and expresses it through his colorful, happy paintings.

Margaret is Hello Kitty’s sweet grandma. She is the original master baker in the family, able to make really delicious pudding! She loves doing home-made embroideries for her family while sitting on her favorite rocking chair.

Dear Daniel (1999)
Dear Daniel is Hello Kitty’s childhood friend and boyfriend. His standing bangs are his trademark. He is impresses by small things and has a naive and sentimental personality. His favorite foods are cheese cake and yogurt. He loves to dance and plays the piano. His father is a photographer, so he also likes to take pictures. Dear Daniel has traveled the world. He has gone from Africa to New York, but he always comes back to Hello Kitty. His Future dream is to be come a photographer or debut in the entertainment industry. His birthday is May 3 and is the same age as Hello Kitty.

Hello Kitty’s Friends

Tiny Chum (1984)
Tiny Chum’s birthday is october 27th. While her father is in New York for work, Tiny Chum is staying with Hello Kitty. Tiny Chum is a small and cute teddy bear who has been together with Kitty and Mimmy ever since they were little. The twin sisters treat her like a little sister. Tiny Chum likes to wear a ribbon on her head to imitate her favorite kitty. 

Cathy is a girl who acts like a sister to Hello Kitty’s friends and always puts others before herself.

Fifi is the most spirited member of the group, almost always seen running around and doing something! She rarely rests as she’s very active and busy doing various stuff.

Jodie loves to read and study a lot. Her dream is to become a researcher someday.

Joey is very athletic and good at sports, especially on the track. He is intelligent and very charming. Joey is one of the most popular students in school.

Mori is a cute little seal living in Hello Kitty’s backyard. She loves sun bathing.

Rory met Hello Kitty in the forest where he lives one day when Hello Kitty went out to gather flowers. He taught Hello Kitty a lot of neat stuff about the forest.

Thomas is an energetic bear who loves to roller skate.

Timmy And Tammy
Timmy and Tammy are mischievous little monkeys who are always looking for ways to have fun. They love to make friends and make people laugh with their antics.

Tippy is a strong and brotherly bear who will always help friends in need. He has a crush on Hello Kitty and wants her to be his girlfriend.

Tracy is the group’s joker. Everyone loves Tracy because she’s very friendly and does a lot of harmless, mischievous things.

Hello Kitty’s Pets

Charmmy Kitty (2004)
Charmmy Kitty is Hello Kitty’s pet cat, given to her by her papa as a gift. Charmmy looks like her owner but acts more like a cat than a person. She’s very tranquil, sweet, obedient, and loves shiny objects. She wears the key to Hello Kitty’s jewelry box around her neck.
Real Name: Charmmy
Birthday: October 31st
Personality: Well-mannered, quiet, and listens to whatever Hello Kitty says.
Likes: Loves objects that are bright and sparkly!
Charm Point: Her lace-trimmed bow, that was a present from Kitty.
Trademark: The key to Kitty’s jewelry box, that she wears around her neck.

Sugar (2004)
Sugar is Hello Kitty’s pet hamster and Charmmy Kitty’s best friend. Sugar was given to Hello Kitty by her childhood friend Dear Daniel.

My Melody and Friends

 My Melody (1975) 

Real Name: Melody
Birthday: January 18th
Birthplace: A forest in Maryland
Favorite Food: Almond pound cake
My Melody was born in the forest of Mari Land on January 18th. My melody lives with her mother, father, grandmother and brother, Rhythm. She is honest and good-natured. Her favourite hobby is baking cookies with her mother and her favourite food is almond pound cake which she snacks on with her best friend, a mouse named Flat.

My Melody’S Family

She is a sweet and cute woman. She always made strawberry tea for My Melody and friends to drink every time when they come to play at home.

He is a kind and strong man. He had to work hard to take care of the garden. He must carried the heavy basket  to the inside of the packed fruits and vegetables from the garden go to market.

She is knowledgeable. She always tells interesting and important stories to My Melody.

He loves adventure. Eventhough he does not adventure like he as in the past, but he still has fun in the garden.

He is a My Melody’s brother. He always whistling a song.  His ambition is to one day be a musician.

My Melody’s Friends

My Sweet Piano (2005)
Real Name: Piano
Birthday: July 6th
Home: Maryland
Charm Point: Her fluffy, baby pink wool.
Favorite Food: Meringue cookies
Favorite Thing: Chatting with Melody while picking flowers in a field.
My Sweet Piano is a kind and tender little girl lamb. She is My Melody’s best friend.

Kuromi (2005)
Name: Kuromi
Birthday: October 31st (Halloween)
Personality: A rowdy free spirit, but actually quite girly on the inside! Has a soft spot for cute guys.
Hobbies: Keeping a diary. Reading romance novels.
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Food: Pickled onions
Kuromi is My Melody’s friendly rival. She is a tomboy who loves making mischief and causing trouble! Although she may look tough, she is actually very girly and is attracted to good looking guys! Kuromi enjoys writing in her diary and is hooked on romantic short stories. Her favorite color is black and her favorite food is shallots. Fittingly her birthday is October 31st.

Flat (2005)
My Melody’s best friend, Flat the mouse is a little shy around other people. A blue mouse with yellow ears who wears an orange or pink ribbon on his tail. He is the closest among My Melody’s animal friends. Whenever there’s trouble, especially a curse created by Kuromi’s magic, My Melody sometimes casts a spell on Flat to deal with it. There have also been hints that Flat may have a crush on My Melody, for example blushing when she hugs him in one episode. Flat also has great social skills when it comes to interacting with the opposite gender. With these, he occasionally gives pointers to Kakeru when trying to contact Uta in certain situations. (A little rat, the chum of My Melody. His favorite food is jam, especially strawberry jam.)

Lisu is a shy squirrel. Her eyes are sharp in terms of color and detail. Lisu likes to help My Melody dress and select bows or flowers to clip on her hat.

Men Herizezumi
Men Herizezumi is a little porcupine. He is a optimistic porcupine and he helps in My melody ‘s garden.

Other Sanrio Characters

Accyangaichiban! (1994)

アグレッシブ烈子Aggrestuko / Aggressiveretsuko (2015) Movie:

Real Name: Retsuko

AlfredAloha (1986)

Assistant of Da-cho (1985)

Bad Badtz-Maru (1993)

As his April 1st birthday would suggest, Badtz-Maru is one mischievous little penguin. He lives with his mother and pinball-playing father in Gorgeoustown. He attends first grade at the Gorgeous Academy. Badtz-Maru attracts lots of attention as he walks his pet alligator, Pochi. Badtz-Maru has dreams of greatness when he grows up, but for now he rolls his eyes at his humorous life in Gorgeoustown.

B. Hills Kid (1986)

Beetroid (2011)

Beezy Riders (1975)

Benjaminbear (1995)

Bestfriends’ story [ベストフレンズストーリー] (2007)
In the cold and snowy northern lands, half a day’s hard ride from the nearest village, in the deep woods on the far side of the mountains, is a hotel.
No one really knows how long it’s been there–perhaps a hundred years–there are no people to be found.
This is the tale of the mice who live there.

Big Challenges (1978)

Billy Pie (1981)

BoGo: The City Boy (1980)

Bonbonribbon (2012)

Boo Gie Boo (1978)

Boo-Gey-Woo (1984)

Boy & Girl (1978)

Brownies Story (1986)

Bubble Cheeks (1981)

Bunny Matty (1974)

Button Nose (1978)

CaptainWilly (1979)

Captian Willy (1979)

Catsbykids (1985)

Cinnamoroll (2001)
One day, while the owner of Café Cinnamon was admiring the sky, a tiny white puppy came floating by, looking just like a small, fluffy cloud. She thought, “Maybe he caught a whiff of the cinnamon rolls and came to check them out.”
The owner of the café was correct. The curious pup took a shine to the café owner and her delicious cinnamon rolls, so he decided to stay. Since his tail was plump and curled up like a cinnamon roll, she decided to call him Cinnamoroll. Sweet, little Cinnamoroll was instantly popular with customers and soon became Café Cinnamon’s official mascot.
Now, when he is not napping on the café terrace, you may find Cinnamoroll flying around the town looking for fun and new adventures with his friends Chiffon, Mocha, Espresso, Cappuccino, and Milk.

Cinnamoangels (2005)
Mocha, Chiffon and Azuki make up this trendy team!
They formed the girl group ‘Cinnamoangels’ based on Mocha’s dreams of being a TV idol.
Real Name Mocha
Birthday February 20th

Real Name Chiffon
Birthday January 14th

Real Name Azuki
Birthday September 25th

Cheery Chums (1979)

Chelsea Stripes (1980)

Cherinacherine (2008)
Two cute little fairies from a forest of cherries. Wearing matching ribbons, these two are never far apart as they help to pick cherries for the harvest.
Real Name Cherina
Personality A sensitive little girl who cries easily.
Favorite Food Cherry pie Good at Making pies

Real Name Cherine
Personality A bright and energetic little girl.
Favorite Food Fresh Cherries Good at Finding out which cherries are delicious, just by looking at them.

Chi Chai Monchan (2004)
A fun-loving little boy monkey with a whirly-curly tail, Chi Chai Monchan lives on a small tropical island in the South Seas where he spends his days climbing trees and eating bananas.

ChibiMaru (2003)
Chibimaru is an active dog to say the least! He lives in a house with a red roof with his favorite toys—his stuffed animals. His favorite treat is a milk-flavored cookie shaped like a bone. Mmm!

ChippyMouse (1995)

Chococat (1996)
Although this little boy cat tends to be a little scatterbrained at times, he’s always up on the latest news (thanks to his ultra-sensitive “antenna” whiskers!) He gets his name from his chocolate-colored nose. He has fun playing around his house (the “Choco-choco house”) with his friends Cookie-bau the dog, Nutz the hamster, jellybean the bunny and the Duckies. His birthday is May 10th.

ChocoPanda (2000)

ChuChuTaco (1993)

中年ひろいん Ojisan'sChunen Heroine Ojisans (2015) 

Chuppies (2001)

Clown (1984)

Colochan (1973)
Name: Coro Chan
Birthday: November 8
An easygoing bear from Windermere in the north of England. Rumor has it he eats the croquettes on his cheeks when he’s hungry!? Colochan is the first Sanrio character.

Country Fresh Veggies (1984)

Crafty Crew (1983)

Culture Shock (1985)

DarkGrapeMan (2012)

Dean the bean (1987)

Deery-Lou (2002)
Deery-Lou the Cheerful Fawn lives happily with his friends in the Rainbow Forest. Deery-lou spends his time playing in the sun, chasing butterflies and making new friends! When he’s really happy he always swings his tail! His Birthday is January 8th.

DinDonDany (1989)

Dokidoki Yummychums (2003)
Dokidoki Burger The unofficial leader of the friends. He always has a big smile and is everyone’s favorite burger.
Dokidoki Shake This vanilla shake is one of the four brothers, the others being strawberry, chocolate, and banana. He loves to play. Whenever he gets happy, he ends up spilling some of his contents.
Dokidoki Fries This little girl with the cute, large eyes is everyone’s idol! She’s sometimes so enthusiastic that she calls out to just about everyone she knows.
Dokidoki Chicken Chums He is great friends with babies, being new born himself. He is hyper, always jumping and bouncing around. His teeth are just starting to grow.
And more.

Donjarahoi (1989)

Dreamtale KuBear (2013)

Dopey Demons (1979)

Duckadoo (1987)

Elephants Bicycle (1981)

Fairy Charmer (1979)

Fancy Elephant (1977)

Formulixz (2003)

Framboiloulou (2010)

Fresh Punch (1981)

Friendly Kokkochan (1993)

Frooltemew (2004)

Fun Come Alive (1983)

FunnyBones (1992)

Fuzzie’s Family (1987)

Gator Gags (1988)

Geetown Special (1989)

Gentle Bear League (1984)

Gimmefive (1985)

Gingersnap (1993)

Giraffe (1991)

GoExPanda (2011)

Goropikadon (1982)

Gudetama (2013)

Gull (1985)

歯ぐるまんすたいるHagurumanstyle (2015) Movie:

Hanatousagi (1993)

Hangyodon (1985)
Hangyodon is a fish character created by Sanrio in 1985. He was born on March 14 in China.His main hobby is comedy. He is very lonely and his plans of heroism often go awry.

Hannarikomachi (2001)

Happakids (1994)

Hesuke (2000)

Hikidashiaita (2013)

Holly’s Bear (1994)

HoneyField (1992)

Honeymomo (2012)

Hopty Copty (1988)

Hoshinowaguma (2001)

House Train (1981)

Howdy! (Kids Bear) (1978)

Hummingmint (2014)

Ichigoman (2011) Movie:

Ikkuchan (1989)

Jewelpet (2008)
Jewelpets are very special animals, owned by a magical wizard. They each have a different kind ofsparkling jewel for their eyes. They can use their jewel-eyes to cast magic spells! Every day in Jewel Land, they work hard at practicing their magic!

Jivexpress (1988)

Kaitou Roppappu (2013)

KappaNoKappy (1993)

KappaRumba (1989)

かしわんこもちKashiwankomochi (2013)

Kappasan (1998)

Keroppi (AKA Kero Kero Keroppi) (1988)
Keroppi lives with his brother, sister and parents in a big house on the edge of Donut Pond, the largest and bluest pond around. Keroppi and his friends share his love for baseball and boomerangs. Most often he is seen with his little snail friend Den Den, always tagging along a little behind.

Kinderkidz (1996)

Kirimi (2013)

Kuririn (AKA Coro Coro Kuririn) (1998)
Full of curiosity and spunk, Kuririn excels at speed-nibbling and burrowing into unbelievably small spaces. When nobody else is around, Kuririn and his girlfriend Sakura go exploring for buttons and seeds and other collectible things which he hides in his tissue paper bed. Sakura and Kuririn

Landry (1999)
Landry is a cute little boy raccoon who loves to wash anything he can get his hands on. Landry’s hobbies include dancing and running on top of his tub, sliding, taking his rubber duckie Pea on walks, and listening to Mozart. Landry loves to eat donuts, sausages, nuts and ice cream, but chocolate is his very favorite.

LesNounours (1993)

Little Cottonwood Cottage (1990)

リトルフォレストフェロォLittle Forest Fellow (2015) Movie:

Little Twin Stars (1975)
Kiki and Lala, the Little Twin Stars, were born on the Star of Compassion. With permission from Mother-Star and Father-Star they set out for a visit to Earth. Lala’s star wand led them on their journey. Ever since they arrived, the Little Twin Stars have been spreading happiness to everyone they meet.
Real Name Kiki
Sex Boy Skills Can fly through the sky using the star on his back
Hobbies / Personality Loves star-fishing and inventing things. Kiki is very curious and a little cheeky sometimes.

Real Name Lala
Sex Girl
Skills Cooking. Her soups are amazing!
Hobbies / Personality Loves drawing and writing poems. Lala is a little timid, and cries easily.

Lloromannic (2007)
Real Name
Birthday June 6th
Features A little boy demon with big horns.

Real Name Cherry
Birthday September 9th
Features A little girl demon and Berry’s partner in crime.

Lookyloo (1988)

Lovee Days (1978)

Lullaby Loveables (1977)

MarronCream (1985)

まるもふびよりMarumofubiyori (2017) Movie:

Masyumaro (AKA Marshmallowmitainafuwafuwanyanko) (2006)
Real Name: Marshmallow (Masyumaro)
Sex: Boy
Age: Kitten (about 8 human years old)
Birthplace: Paris, France
Home: Lives in an apartment in Paris with a Japanese boy who is a designer.

Mellotune (1981)

Milly Pixie (1989)

Mimicmike (1987)

Minna No Tabo (1984)
Always bright and cheerful, Minna No Tabo doesn’t have a dishonest bone in his body. His straightforward and can-do approach to life wins him many friends, although sometimes he can get into a bit of a panic.

Minny le Mew (1985)

Miss Bear’s Dream (2009)
This little girl teddy bear was made by Chocolina’s mother, in a little sweet shop in New York, where they live. Miss Bear’s Dream is called ´Dream´ for short. She is the cousin of another bear called Mr. Bear’s Dream.
She lives in her own little world, and is quite shy. She is very fluffy, and loves to surround herself with cute things. When she is feeling happy, she tends to blow kisses. She preens her eyelashes and brushes her fluffy tail daily. Her favorite food is sweet donuts with delicious heart-chocolate topping.

Mr. Bears Dream (1983)
This fluffy and soft teddy bear loves picture books and having parties with his friends in the forest. One day, he opened his eyes and found himself in a toyshop. His birthplace is London.

Monkichi (AKA Osaru No Monkichi) (1992)
Most monkeys like bananas, but only Monkichi can eat ten bananas in one minute! He lives high in the mountains with all his friends. Monkichi loves keeping everyone entertained with stories, jokes and poems. His dream is to one day be a poet or maybe a professional comedian.

Monsieur Marin (1985)

Nemukko Nyago (2000)
Real Name: Nyago
Birthday: May 25
Birthplace: Japan
This is one sleepy cat! A little tabby, Nyago was born in the streets of a small town in Japan.
Nyago wants to meet friends who also love doing his favorite activity. Can you guess what it is? Yep, it’s sleeping.

Nezumikozou (1984)

Noranekoland (1986)

Nya-Ni-Nyu-Nye-Nyon (1984)

Nyokki & Penne (2009)

Okigaru Friends (1997)

Pajamasclub (1986)

Pandapple (2002)
Pandapple is a panda boy who loves apples! You will always find him wearing his trademark apple hat, he loves sitting on his favorite apple chair and he is very proud of his bright red apple house! Pandapple and his twin sister were born in Shanghai, China but he then moved to a big fruit farm in Southern California. Here he spends his time playing with his caterpillar best friend, Imomushi, munching away on yummy fresh apples and collecting all sorts of apple goods. Born on June 2, Pandapple is cheerful, sweet and sometimes a bit mischievous. His dream is to one day enter the Guinness Book of World Records for growing the biggest apple in the world! Pandapple – he’s cute to the core!

Pankunchi (2007)
Pankun is a baby panda who was abandoned in a forest where pandas live. His favorite possession is an old mitten that was in the box with him when he was abandoned. Pankun loves bread, and his tummy rumbles whenever he sees the two pieces of bread, Shokupan and Koppepan.

Pannapitta (2003)
Birthday: October 7, 2006
Place of Birth: Pannaland
Pannapitta is a three-month old baby boy panda who lives with his mama and papa. He has a friend named Fan-Fan, older than him by three days. He’s extremely energetic, always running around (making “tote-tote” sounds as he does so). When he gets tired, though, he suddenly falls asleep from where he’s standing. Aside from running and sleeping, Pannapita also loves to eat, and his favorite food is caramel ice cream. His special skill is going through crevices. While still young, his ultimate dream is to be a panda hero.

Paradise Lives (1993)

Party a la Carte (1984)

Patapata Peppy (1992)
Peppy is a very curious little forest owl. One of his favorite hobbies is taking afternoon naps. He loves eating fresh cherries. His known talent is swooping and doing low-flying acrobatics, which make him the talk of the town.

Patty & Jimmy (1974)

Paupipo (1988)

Peak-a-Boo (1977)

Pekkle (AKA AhiruNoPekkle, Pekkuru) (1990)
Good-natured and kindhearted, Pekkle can most often be found singing or dancing, two things he excels at. He is currently enrolled in a tap dance class.

Pero (1992)

ペペペペン議員Pepepepengiin (2016) Movie:

Peter Davis (1977)

Petite Ange (1980)

PetiteMericco (2001)

Picke Bicke (1994)
Birthday: January 1
Picke Bicke’s not your regular mouse. Not only is he carefree and laid-back, he also has one exceptional talent: use his extraordinarily large ears to fly! With his tail serving as the rudder, he goes off on the air. When he gets distracted, he always ends up having a tailspin.

Pinky and Rio (2016)
Real Name: Pinky Lilrose and Rio Skypeace

Kobuta no Pippo (1993)
Real Name: Pippo
Birthday: A warm and sunny December 16
If the day of his birth wasn’t special enough, Pippo’s also unique himself! He loves trying new things and is constantly out and about, inventing and discovering new things. He has a special talent for coming up with new games for everyone to play.

PinkiBeechan (1991)

Pink No Corisu (1998)
Birthday: July 7
Pink No Corisu is originally from Pinkuru Planet. She came to Earth to see how many flowers she could make bloom here by using the power of the little blossom she wears on her head. Her mama and papa are the king and queen of the Pinkuru Planet Squirrel Kingdom. Pinkuru Planet is always filled with flowers and very peaceful, and the air there always smells sweet.

PIXpress (1994)

Playin’ Paradise (1979)

Pochacco (1989)
Pochacco is the most popular purebred in the neighborhood. This sports-minded pup is the best three-on-three basketball player on the playground and a not-so-shabby soccer goalie, too. He’s a real original—how many vegetarian canines do you know? Pochacco loves carrots but banana ice cream is his all-time favorite!

Pokopon diary (1986)

Polar Picnic (1994)

Pon Pon Hieta (1989)

Pop’nBerry (2003)

PuchiPuchiWanko (2002)
Punchiwan is a small dog who was born on a strawberry farm on October 15th. Puchiwan has a bright personality and a strong adventurous spirit. His favorite food is strawberries!

PukaPukaParadise (1991)

Puppie Luv (1980)

Purin (AKA PomPomPurin) (1996)
Purin is a good-natured Golden Retriever who dreams of growing up and becoming a big dog, just like his mother and father! He spends most of his time napping or going on walks with his best friend Muffin. He loves to drink milk and eat foods that are nice and soft, like pudding!

Pururunkyupi (2002)

Puwawa (1995)

Qui-Quaks (1979)

Robby Rabbit (1975)

Robow@n (2000)

Rocking Horse (1979)

RosiePosie (1989)

RuRuRuGakuen (1989)

Sengokuprison (2013)

Seven Silly Dwarfs (1979)

Shinkaizoku (2014)

Shinkansen (1999)
No matter where you’re headed, these eleven bright, shiny bullet trains will get you there with time to spare. Efficient, convenient, comfortable…and FAST!

Shirirapper (2013)

Show by Rock!! (2012) Movie:

Small People (1976)

Sparrow (1986)

Spottie Dottie (1990)
Spottie Dottie is a stylish fashion expert living in New York City. Her dad, formerly Chief Fire Dog with the city fire department, taught her that helping people is the most rewarding part of life. She usually wears a pink bow, but it’s really just a question of what looks best with her outfit!

Spunky Burro (1974)

Still Small Tales (1987)

Strawberry King (1975)

Sugarbunnies (2004)
Names: Shirousa and Kurousa
Birthday: May 26th
Far away from the human world live Shirousa and Kurousa (white bunny and brown bunny). These twin brothers bake delicious treats for people with special dreams and wishes, because when they are eaten a magical thing occurs!

Sugarminuet (2008)
Two ballerina-geniuses, the elegant Balletusa and sweet Primausa, pass through the ballet room mirror and bring their graceful dance to all of us, here in the world of humans. Ballet-Usa who is the elder twin and wears a silver tiara that matches with her pink fur. She is a graceful and elegant dancer and loves make-up accessories. Prima-Usa is the sweet and cute younger twin and wears a gold tiara that highlights her white fur. Her favorite hobby is fortune-telling.

Sugar Cream Puff (1991)

Sweet Coron (2001)
This happy little boy bee was born in a garden of sweet-smelling lotus flowers and lush clover. Sweet Coron loves to dance and can usually be seen buzzing around collecting yummy honey from pretty flowers.

Tabisuke (2001)

TabithaDean (1989)

Teddy the Teddy (1977)

Tenorikuma (2005)
Latte, Chai, Frap, Maple, Macchiato, Mister Steam and Muddler—it’s the Tenorikumas! Small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, the Tenorikumas run the Tenorikuma Coffee Cafe. Only 4 cm in height, it’s a lot of hard work just to pour a cup of coffee. But seeing them work is so adorable, it’s sure to bring a smile to your face.

TeruteruPoron (1995)

Tetsunagikuma (1990)

The Little Train (1977)

The Mainstream (1985)

The Runabouts (1984)

The Vaudeville Duo (1983)

Tiny Poem (1975)

Toby Trix (1985)

ToffeeRoo (1989)

Trend Point (1987)

Trend Setters (1985)

Tric Trap (1979)

Trip to Wonderland (1979)

Trix&Trunx (1998)

Tsugumido (1993)

TuxedoSam (1979)
Born in the South Pole, TuxedoSam is a roly-poly penguin who speaks both Penguinese and English. Due to his aristocratic background, you will always find TuxedoSam in a tux. He even boasts a collection of 365 bow-ties!

TweeDeDrops (1980)

Tweedle DeeDee (1986)

Umeya (1987)

Uriurikoron (1994)

U*SA*HA*NA (2001)
Real Name: Hanachan
Birthday: August 7th
Home: A little island in the sea
Favorite Food: Orange Sherbet
U*SA*HA*NA is a darling little girl bunny who loves to show her happy dance to everyone. She is known for her unique nose, cute eyes and happy smile. Won’t you be her friend?

Veggie Menu (1984)

VinillaBean (1988)

WaffleKids (1990)

Warauonna (1989)

We Are Dinosaurs! (1992)

WeeMarylou (1980)

Whiskers & Paws (1996)

Winkipinki (1989)

Winning Jack (1985)

Wish Me Mell (2010)
Birthday: December 27, 2010.
Mell, the main heroine of the series, is meant to be a character that expresses the feelings every one has, simply stating “Thank you”, “I am sorry” or “I like you!”, connecting hearts in the process. The series is targeted towards girls age 15-20, who were too shy to express their feelings towards others.
Mell lives in the magical world of Merci Hillswhere everyone is living happily while their feelings are connected towards each other and words like “Thank you” can bring warmth to everyone’s hearts. Mell and her friends were guided by the Rainbow Fairy, Ciel who gives them advices. A lot of Mell’s friends also live in Merci Hills, and each originated in each country and have their own mission given to them by Ciel.

Yachiyo Charmer (1974)

Youkai Kids (1986)

Yutakun (1986)

Zashikibuta (1984)
Zashikibuta is a natural-coloured pig who is sometimes seen wearing a green scarf. He has a mouse friend called Tabby and he is sometimes shown with a sketchy look. His birthday is on February 2, 1983 and he lives in the countryside in France.

Zoozoo Gang (1984)

All Sanrio Characters

Need to be added:

8. San-x Rules, Sanrio drools!

Often Confused Sanrio / San-x Characters.

True to his name, Rilakkuma greatly enjoys relaxing. This includes sleeping, laying around, watching tv, and soaking in hot springs. He loves using Kaoru’s yellow bean bag pillow. “Rilakkuma” means “Bear in relaxed mood”. At all time and everywhere he goes he is continuously lazy and relaxed. He is totally stress-free and also doing things on his own pace. He is someone impossible to be hated by others. You will be dragged into Rilakkuma’s world and become lazy and relaxed while watching what everything he does.

Monokuro boos are black and white piggies that love a simple life. Their favorite saying is “Simple is Best”! Monokoro Boo, Black and White Pigs are gathering and not sure what they are thinking and where they are going, so you can’t take your eyes off them. They seem to be lovey-dovey couple and resemble each other, so it’s almost impossible to identify or distinguish which one is really Monokuro Boo.

The Chibi seals are small enough to live in a common goldfish bowl, with a few ice cubes to keep the water nice and cool. There is an anime based on mamegoma, revolving around ‘Mameta’ the bean seal and some other seals named Soda-kun, Cherry-chan, Lemon-chan and Candy-chan. “Mamegoma” is a new variety of SEAL which was found recently. They’re distinctive features from normal seal are palm-sized and friendly. You may find to house them really easy, so why don’t you bring them back home? Isn’t it exciting to know that you can house seals, which usually meet and see at the aquarium?

 Sentimental Circus
After the whole town is felt asleep quietly, neglected abandoned toys are awaking one by one and gathering together..”Kuro”, performer of the rolling globe. “Mr. Bear”, performer of the tightrope walking. “Pigu” & “Mamo” performer of trapeze acts. And when “Shappo”, impresario, appears, the curtain of the mysterious circus, “Sentimental Circus” goes up somewhere again.

“Kutsushita Nyanko”, a cat wearing socks on his every legs. His real name is “Bon Chan”. Wearing socks to the cat is a really popular among cat-lovers and his behavior definitely will attract everyone.

“Kamonohashikamo” he is wishy-washy and always adopting himself in evasive attitude. He looks like a “Duckbill”, however, he actually isn’t really sure if he is a duckbill or not.

 Kireizukinseikatu (Kireizukinseikatu zukinhitotude kiereizuki)
Irresponsible raccoon “Mar”, he is usually lazy but he changes his attitude whenever he wears hood on his head. He rarely cleans up the room before wearing the hood, but after wearing the hood on his head, like personality changes, he become an expert on smarten up and clean up the room, also he can be called “Kireizukin”.

Tarepanda is not just any ordinary panda bear. Its unique flat physique is perfect for stacking on top of one another and rolling over sideways at an extremely slow speed! Tarepanda which means “lazy” panda or “droopy” panda in Japanese. More specifically “Tare” means lying on the tummy or can be described as slump down/slouch. These panda’s characters form by rolling around. How lazy? Just for your record TarePanda is so lazy and slow that moves about 2.75 meters per hour. (according to company literature) TarePanda loves to eat mochi (especially Suama, Japanese sweets).

Positive thinking is Afroken. His personality is pure and innocent. His mood is always cheerful. He tends to come close to friends with his afro. His afro hair changes color to the same color as other things. He is a dog with a rainbow-coloured afro. He is innocent and blameless and always in a good mood. Afro Ken is always willing to try new things. Afro Ken is attracted to objects that look like he does. His hair changes to look like these things as he gets close to them.

 Baby Boo
Baby Boos are Monokuro Boo’s little sisters! There are 7 of them. And they are just so happy together and *so happy with you*


 Beer Chan
A beer fairy “Beer Chan”!? It never look an adult, but actually is enough big to drink . You will hear Beer chan drinking in big gulps and cheering anytime anywhere!! Beer Chan is a beer fairy!! Barm on its head come off when it gets surprised. Eating Green soybeans faster is its specialty.

List of Sanrio Characters with pictures +more

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